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How to Purchase Real Estate Properties in the United States

Writer's picture: Lilian KattelmannLilian Kattelmann

Updated: Jan 29, 2022

The American real estate market is a free, fair and just trading market. Anyone can purchase real estate properties in the United States. I am here to share how you can purchase homes or invest in residential or commercial real estate properties in the United States. I am fluent in both Chinese and English, have an advanced degree in commercial real estate and can help my customers effectively and efficiently purchase real estate in the United States. How do you purchase properties in America? Here are some simple steps to guide you through the process and make your purchase easy and pleasant.


自由,平等,公平竞争是美国房地产的一大主要特征。任何人都可以在美国购买房地产,这里我着重分享一下如何在美国购买居住房和投资居民或者商业地产。 流利的中英文,商业房地产硕士教育,对中西方文化教育的深刻了解,我深信我的公司和团队可以为客户提供有效和全面的服务。 如何在美购买房地产? 这里给你提供简单有效的指导和帮助, 使你在美的买房经历轻松而愉快。

Step One: Confirming Funds

Step one is preparing the funds or obtaining the bank approval letters. If you want to buy your home or invest in real estate properties in cash, sellers will require that you provide bank statements dated within 30 days to prove that you have sufficient funds to purchase the property. If you want to obtain a bank loan to finance your purchase, you will need to go to a bank to get a bank letter confirming that the bank has approved you for a loan in an amount sufficient for you to purchase your property. The bank approval letter will declare the amount, interest rate and other terms for your loan. Usually the bank approval letter is valid for three months. When you have your funds ready, the next step is talking with your real estate broker or agent to see what kind of properties you can acquire.


买房的第一步是准备资金或者获取银行贷款批准证明。如果你想用现金来买房,一般卖家会要求你提供一份最近30天内的银行存款证明。 证明你有足够的资金支付你想要购买的房屋或者商业地产。如果你想用银行贷款来支付你所购买的物业, 你需要到银行要求有关负责人开具一份银行贷款证明。 证明你有能力获取一定数量的贷款,通常这个银行证明将出具有关的贷款数量,利息和还款期。 一般银行证明的有效期是3个月。当你准备好你的资金证明或贷款证明以后,下一步你应和你的地产代理商谈有关你想要购买的房屋或商业地产。

Second Step: Finding a Real Estate Agent

Step two is finding a real estate agent and talking about the properties that you want to purchase. You can find a real estate agent by searching on the internet or by a referral from a friend or business contact. Most people find an agent by friends’ reference. You can talk with your real estate agent about what kind of house you want and what is important to you about the house, such as size, location, desired features and price. If you are purchasing an investment property, you should provide your agent guidance on your budget, risk tolerance and the return rate and cash flow you would like on your investment.

第二步: 找到满意的地产代理经纪

第二步: 找到一个自己满意的地产代理商谈有关你想要购买的房屋或商业投资物业。 你可以通过网上搜索或者朋友推荐来找到适合的地产中介。大多数人信任朋友推荐的地产经纪人。 找到你满意的地产经纪人后,你可以和他探讨你想要购买的房屋或商业物业。你可以告诉你的经纪人你所要购买的房屋特点和所必备的要素。如果你是购买商业地产, 你要和你的地产经纪人探讨有关你的预算,风险承受力,以及你希望投资的回报率和现金流量等事项。

Third Step: Locating Your Property

After talking with your real estate agent, the next step is to look at the properties that you want to purchase. Generally, your real estate agent will arrange to show you the homes that you want to purchase or the commercial properties in which you want to invest. If the property is not vacant, the buyer’s agent needs to give the seller’s agent a 24-hour notice to schedule the showing. Foreign buyers are not aware this practice and want to see the property immediately after they get off the plane. Be sure to give your agent enough time to search available properties and schedule showings for the properties with the seller’s agent. It is best if you can go in person with your real estate agent to look at the properties. That is the best way to find your ideal home or investment properties. If you cannot go in person to look at the properties, you can schedule a virtual tour with your real estate agent and sign an agreement with your real estate agent and trust your real estate agent to find your home or investment properties. In this arrangement, your agent should still give you sufficient information regarding the home or investment property so that you can make an informed decision on your purchase.


与你的地产代理商谈之后,下一步就是要确认你要购买的房产。一般来说,你的房产代理将安排向你展示你想要购买的房产或你想投资的商业地产。你的经纪人会根据你的要求, 和卖方的经纪人联系,安排带你去看房的日程和线路。 如果物业不是空置的,一般情况下买方的经纪人需要给予卖方的经纪人24小时的时间安排预约。 有很多中国人不了解这一行内约定,希望在下飞机后, 就立即去看房。如果你想买到称心如意的房产, 你一定要确保给你的经纪人足够的时间来搜索房屋, 以及给予卖方代理24小时的时间通知安排展示你想要的房产。 如果你是亲自来看房,那最好不过了。如果你不能亲自去看物业,你可以和你的地产经纪安排网上看房, 并签署一份授权委托,全权委托你的经纪人帮你看房。你要提供给你的经纪人有关足够的家庭或投资财产的信息,以便你的经纪人明智地选择和决定你所要的物业。

Fourth Step: Making a Contract

After you find your dream home or ideal investment property, the next step is making a purchase offer. Your real estate agent will be able to provide market research and guidance on how to make an offer and the best price and terms to include in the initial offer. He or she can help you negotiate with the seller and get the best price for your purchase. You can give your opinion on the offering price, however, you real estate agent will know much more about the current market and what is the best strategy to successfully complete negotiations and close your purchase. Put yourself in the hands of your real estate agent. A good agent will help you get a beautiful home or satisfactory investment property at the best price. For some States, an offer can be made just by writing an email to the listing agent or sellers. For other states, you can only make an offer by a signed purchase contract. It is complicated; however, your real estate agent will help you set forth the terms of your offer and complete and sign the purchase contract. When the seller accepts the offer, you will need to put down an escrow deposit to show you are serious about carrying out the contract. Generally, the escrow deposit will be 1 to 10% of the purchasing price.


一旦看好你理想的房屋或中意的投资物业,接下来就是购买报价。你的地产代理会给你提供市场研究和指导,以及很多出价信息,出多少比较合适, 出多少较可能拿到合同。 他们在初始报价中会帮助你提出要约最好的报价和条款。并且帮助你与卖方谈判,获得你满意的最佳价格。你可以提供给你的地产经纪人初始出价的意见,但是,你的房地产代理更多地了解当前市场,以及什么是成功完成谈判和获得你理想物业的最佳策略。相信你的地产经纪人。一个出色的地产代理将帮你以最好的价格买到你称心如意,美丽优雅的物业。有些州,你的经纪人可以通过邮件给卖方的经纪人出价。有些州,出价要签署完整的购买合同。你的经纪人会指导帮助你做好完整的合同,你不用担心被复杂的合同吓倒了。 所以一开始选择诚信可靠有经验的经纪人是非常重要的。 经过讨价还价,如果出价被卖方接受后,合同就正式生效。一般的话,你要付1-10%的押金给你的地产代理或存在指定的交接代理商(the closing agent),以示你有诚意进一步执行购买合同。

Fifth Step: Property Inspections

After the contract is signed, the next step is doing the property inspections. Generally, your real estate agent knows a lot of property inspectors and he or she can recommend the right person or company to you. The property inspector will exam the property and provide a detail report about the property condition. After the property inspection, you can examine the inspection report and decide if you want to buy the property or cancel your purchase contract. With your real estate agent’s help you may be able to negotiate for the seller to make repairs or give you a credit or purchase price reduction if you decide to make the repairs yourself. In United States, generally you have 10 to 15 days from signing the contract to complete your inspections and decide if you want to proceed with the contract. If you are using a loan to purchase the property, you also need to start the loan application right after you sign the contract. The property inspection usually costs you about $300 to $500 for a home size about 1000 square feet to 5000 square feet. The price for an inspection on commercial property will vary depending upon the size, type and condition of the property.


签订合同后,下一步是进行物业检测。一般来说,你的地产代理人认识很多物业检查员,他或她可以向你推荐合适的检测人或公司。物业检查员将仔细的检测物业,并提供关于物业状况的详细报告。物业检查后,如果需要维修,你可以通过房地产经纪人的帮助和卖方协商进行维修。如果你决定自行维修,你的经纪人会帮助你与卖方协商返还维修费用。你可以审阅和研究检查报告,并决定是否购买该物业或取消你的购买合同。 在美国,从签订合同到完成房屋检查通常有10到15天,你可决定是否要继续合同。如果你是用贷款购买房产,你还需要在签署合同之后立即开始申请贷款。对于面积约1000平方英尺至5000平方英尺的房屋,物业检查费通常大约是300至500美元。商业地产检测的价格将取决于地产的面积大小,类型和条件状况。

Sixth Step: Property Appraisal and Survey

After you examine your inspection report and decide to proceed with the contract, the next step is the property appraisal. The property appraiser is an independent expert who will conduct market research, evaluate the property and provide a written opinion of the current value of the property. Most lenders will require that you obtain an appraisal confirming the value of your property before approving a loan for your purchase. Your real estate can help you find a reliable property appraiser to estimate how much your house is worth. If the property appraisal report shows that your property is less the contracted price, sometimes your real estate agent may be able to negotiate with the seller for a reduction in the price to the appraised value. If the seller does not agree to reduce the price, you may cancel the purchase contract. If this right to conduct an appraisal and cancel the contract is important to you, you have to include an appraisal contingency as part of the contract. The property appraisal cost depends on the property value and size. Generally, for a $100,000 to $500,000 home, the property appraisal will cost $300 to $500. At the same time, you also may need to purchase a survey and examine the exact lot size and boundary of the property and make sure if there is an easement on your property. The cost of survey is different depending upon the property. During the appraisal process, if you are applying for a loan, you need to stay in contact with your lender to make sure the loan underwriting is proceeding smoothly.

第六步: 物业评估和占地测量

当你仔细审阅有关房屋检测报告,并决定继续执行合同之后, 接下来要做的就是物业评估。物业估价师是一个独立的不依附任何团体的专家。 物业评估师将进行市场研究,评估有关物业,提供你所购买地产当前价值的书面意见。大多数贷款人要求你在批准购买贷款之前获得有关确认资产价值评估。你的地产经纪人可以帮助你找到可靠的物业估价师评估你所购买的地产价值。如果物业估价报告显示你的物业价值低于合同价格,有时你的地产代理有可能能够与卖方谈判将价格降低到物业评估价值,但这不是绝对的。如果卖方不同意降低价格,您可以取消购买合同。但前提是在签署合同时你必须签署一份这种进行评估和取消合同条款的附件。物业估价费用取决于物业价值和规模。一般来说,对于一个10万美元到50万美元的房屋,房产评估费用大约300美元到500美元。同时, 你还需购买房物占地面积测量,确认你房物面积以及占地尺寸和边界, 检测是否有共用的占地。如果你申请贷款, 在评估过程中,你还需要与你的贷款人保持紧密联系,以确保贷款顺利进行。

Seventh Step: Purchasing Property Insurance

The next step is buying property insurance. Before the final settlement, you need to buy property insurance, which insures the building in case of damage or destruction from things like fire and storms and usually includes some insurance against liability and lawsuits arising from the property. The cost of property insurance is variable depending upon the value of the improvements upon the property. If you are obtaining a loan, the lender will require that you obtain satisfactory property insurance listing them as an additional insured prior to the closing. Property insurance is not mandatory for a cash purchase; however, it is important that you obtain insurance to protect your investment. Without such insurance you will have to pay 100% of the costs to repair or replace your home if it is damaged or destroyed by fire, storm or other catastrophe.


接下来是购买财产保险。 在最终房屋交接之前,你需要购买财产保险。 财产保险是保证建筑物在火灾和风暴等损坏或破坏的情况下,通常包括一些针对该财产引起的责任和诉讼的保险。 财产保险的费用不是固定的,取决于房屋建筑价值。 如果你申请获取贷款,贷款人一般会要求你购买满意的财产保险,并将他们列为额外的保险人。 财产保险不是强制性的,但是保护你的物业免遭损失是非常重要和明智的选择。 没有物业保险,如果您的房屋遭到火灾,风暴或其他灾难的损伤或毁坏,你将需要支付100%的费用来维修或更换。

Eight Step: Closing

The final step is the closing. Closing generally happens at the closing agent’s office once you have completed inspections, have a satisfactory appraisal and the lender has approved the loan. Before the closing date, the closing agent will prepare the closing statement for the buyer and seller. The closing statement shows the financial terms of the transaction, including how much money is required from the buyer and how much money will be paid to the seller. The buyer needs to make sure their required funds are delivered for the closing. For a foreigner buyer, you need to make sure to wire your funds to your real estate broker or your closing agent several days before the closing date. Before closing, you and your real estate agent will walk through the property and make sure everything is in a good condition and in the right place. If you will not be present at the closing, you will need to arrange to sign the documents prior to the closing. This can be more complicated for a loan closing, so you will need to plan for execution of documents in advance if you are obtaining a loan. After the closing statement is signed and the funds are transferred, you can enjoy your beautiful home or the investment returns on your commercial property. Generally, the closing cost will be 2-3% of the purchase price.

最后一步是结算。当你完成物业检查,获得满意的评估,(如果有贷款的话)贷款人已批准贷款,这时就该结算和交接物业了。通常这项程序是在合同指定的第三方交接代理的办公室进行。在结算日之前,交接代理人将为买方和卖方准备结算报表。结算报表显示交易的财务条款,包括买方和卖方需要支付的各项税收和杂费,以及买方需要支付多少给卖方。买方需要确保足够的资金交付结算。对于外国买家来说,您需要确保在结算截止日期前几天将资金电汇到你的房地产经纪人或你的交接代理账户上。在结算之前,你和你的房地产代理将做最后物业检查,以确保物业一切都完好无损。如果你不能亲自到场结算,您需要在交接结算之前签署好一切有关文件。贷款交接结算比现金结算复杂一些, 你需要提前签署和执行所有的贷款文件。在结算和交接物业前,确保资金电汇到结算代理账户上。 结算交接完毕后,你就可以享受你美丽的家园或你的商业地产投资回报了。一般来说,结算交接的费用大约是购买价格的2-3%。

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